Audition Information

CBDA offers the opportunity to audition and participate in 6 All-State Honor Bands between Junior High and High School Levels. These ensembles will participate in the California All-State Music Education Conference from January 15-19, 2025. 


In addition to the 6 full honor band ensembles, on the application, students may select “band only”, “orchestra only” or “band and orchestra”.  This allows students to be selected for one of the high school or junior high symphony orchestras.


The honor audition material is the same for the winds and percussion for the symphony orchestras.

Band Audition Music

Junior High and High School Errata

If you have any suggestions or additions to the linked list, please email Susan Willmering


Errata is a correction of a published text or music.

For Junior High School
All-State Bands

For High School
All-State Bands

Band Scales are for all high school ensembles

English Horn and Piano solos are linked in the excerpt list above.

Golden State only.

Qualifications for participating in the Golden State Honor Band

The Ensembles

Learn more about all of the performing groups!

Jazz Band Audition Music

For High School
Jazz Bands

Vocal Jazz audition materials can be found on the CA Jazz website.

Frequently Asked Questions


The following are reasons CBDA will disqualify an audition while judging for the All-State Honor Groups:


– Talking or coaching is heard during the recording
– Digitally altering a recording (ex: the use of auto-tuning, etc.)
– Wrong solo or excerpt is played
– Wrong scales are played
– Solo is missing sections requested
– A metronome is heard during the scales or solo
– Track/Recording Blank


CBDA is not looking to disqualify any applicant, but last year we saw an overwhelming number of applicants be disqualified over these 7 reasons.


Please double-check that you are following CBDA’s required excerpts and scales for the current year.  Some solos have changed from the past rotation.

Frequently Asked Questions