CBDA Membership Information

In order for students to participate in the All-State process, directors* must be members of CBDA.


*For students who are homeschooled or may not have an instrumental at their school, may still participate. Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.

Become a Member Today!

Membership Details

Active Members

Active membership is open to all persons employed as an instrumental music educator in California.

All members have the right to vote, are eligible to hold executive office, and are eligible to participate in CBDA programs.


Membership Dues: $50.00

Associate Members

Associate membership is open to the following:

     – Any Active member who shall cease to be actively engaged in the teaching of a school for a period of more than one year.

     – Any person interested in the general advancement and betterment of school bands in California.

     – Music administrators shall have all the rights and privileges of Active Membership except for holding executive office.

Associate members shall have all the rights of Active members except that of holding office and voting. They may attend all meetings and enter into all discussions


Membership Dues: $50.00

Honorary Members

Honorary lifetime membership shall be determined by a majority vote of the membership and shall be designated in three classifications:


1. Active members who are elected to honorary status shall, while they remain actively engaged in the teaching of school bands in California, retain active membership privileges and all dues shall be paid by the Association.

2. All other Honorary Members may be persons interested in school bands, but not necessarily engaged in teaching bands in California. All dues shall be waived for these Honorary members, but they shall not be given active membership privileges.

3. All Past Presidents of CBDA shall receive an honorary lifetime membership without the need for a majority vote of the membership.

Retired Members

Retired Membership shall be open to those who have held Active membership in CBDA for ten (10) or more years; are fifty-five (55) years of age or over; and who are retired from music education. Retired Members shall have all rights and privileges of Active membership, except running for office. Dues of Retired Members shall be fifty percent (50%) of the dues of Active Members. 


Membership Dues: $25.00

Associate-Institutional Members

Associate-Institutional membership shall be open to any business firm interested in the general advancement and betterment of school bands in California.


Membership Dues: $50.00

Collegiate Members

Collegiate membership shall be open to all college or university music majors.


Membership Dues: $10.00

Membership in the Association shall be by individuals and business firms (not by schools). These members shall be morally responsible to the Association for infringements of the ethics, rules and requirements of the Association.
The membership dues shall run from July 1 to June 30 annually and are non-refundable.


Countdown to CASMEC 2025

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